IsyMax ® is a Roboadvisory platform created by Profin Srl and Ematrend Srl. IsyMax contains model portfolios resulting from Ematrend Srl’s experience in the design of investment portfolios.

Buy, sell and rebalancing signals are conveyed via Telegram. The platform shows detailed reporting of positions, performances and metrics.

IsyMax is an “open” and web based platform: institutional customers can insert their own models, written with the main programming languages ​​and metalanguages ​​and brand the platform as a white label.

All portfolios, based on adaptive indicators to determine the timing of purchases and sales, have undergone a severe backtesting process and a long period of real-time use before being validated and approved

Read the main technical characteristics below.

The strengths of IsyMax

IsyMax boasts strengths that make it an irreplaceable product for any asset manager thanks to the possibility of customization:

    1. White label platform, brandable with the logo of a bank, SGR or SIM.
    2. Model portfolios based on proprietary studies and the twenty-year experience of Ematrend Srl analysts, including one low risk, one medium risk, one high risk and 1 thematic (ESG).
    3. Possibility of studying and inserting tailor-made portfolios once reference baskets and risk/return objectives have been provided.
    4. Possibility of inserting third-party proprietary studies written in the most used languages ​​and metalanguages ​​(C++, Power Language, Easy Language, VBASIC, Excel).



Product being launched

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